5 - SINISTER (2012)

The film opens with Super 8 footage depicting a family of four standing beneath a tree with sacks over their heads and nooses around their necks. An unseen figure saws through a branch acting as a , causing their [[Hanging|deaths by hanging]].

Months later, [[true crime]] writer Ellison Oswalt moves into the murdered family's home with his wife, Tracy), and their two children, 7-year-old Ashley  an artist who is allowed to paint on her walls, and 12-year-old Trevor  who begins re-experiencing bizarre [[night terrors]] upon moving into their new home. Only Ellison is aware that the house they are moving into was the crime scene from the opening scene. Ellison intends to use the case of the murdered family as the basis for his new book, and hopes that his research will reveal the fate of the Stevenson family's fifth member, a 10-year-old girl named Stephanie who disappeared following the murders.

Ellison finds a box (along with a black scorpion) in the attic that contains a projector and several reels of Super 8 mm footage that are each labeled as innocent [[home movies]]. Ellison discovers that the films are actually [[snuff film]]s depicting different families being murdered in various ways: being tied to sunbeds and drowned in their pool (''Pool Party '66''), being bound and gagged and burned to death in a car (''BBQ '79''), being run over by a lawn mower (''Lawn Work '86''), being bound and gagged and having their throats slit in bed (''Sleepy Time '98''), and the hanging from the opening of the film (''Family Hanging Out '11''). The drowning film is especially disturbing for Ellison when he notices the face of a [[demon]]ic
figure watching the drownings from the bottom of the pool. Ellison eventually finds the demonic figure throughout all the films along with a strange painted symbol. Upon inspecting the lid of the box containing the films, and a snake, Ellison discovers childish drawings depicting the murders, along with crude sketches of the demonic figure, called "Mr. Boogie."

4) OCULUS 2013

The two plotline are told in parallel through flashbacks. In 2002, software engineer Alan Russell moves into a new house with his wife Marie, 10-year-old son Tim, and 12-year-old daughter Kaylie. Alan purchases an antique mirror to decorate his office. Unknown to them, the mirror is malevolent and supernaturally induces hallucinations in both adults; Marie is haunted by visions of her own body decaying, while Alan is seduced by a ghostly woman named Marisol, who has mirrors in place of eyes.
Over time, the parents become psychotic; Alan increasingly isolates himself in his office, and Marie becomes withdrawn and paranoid. During the same period, all of the plants in the house die, and the family dog disappears after being shut in the office with the mirror. After Kaylie sees Alan interact with Marisol and tells her mother, Marie goes insane and attempts to kill her children. Alan overpowers her and chains her to their bedroom wall. When the family runs out of food, the children attempt to seek help from their neighbors, who disbelieve their stories. Attempting to contact doctors or the authorities, Kaylie discovers that all of her phone calls are answered by the same man, who admonishes her to speak with her father.
One night, Alan unchains Marie, and both parents attack the children. Marie briefly comes to her senses, only to be shot dead by Alan. The children try to destroy the mirror with golf clubs but fail in the attempt. Alan corners the children in his office but also experiences a moment of lucidity, during which he forces Tim to shoot him to death. The police arrive and take Tim into custody. Before the siblings are separated, they promise to reunite as adults and destroy the mirror. As Tim is taken away in the back of a squad car he sees the ghosts of his parents watching him from the house.
Eleven years later, Tim is discharged from a psychiatric hospital, having come to believe that there were no supernatural events involved in his parents' deaths. Kaylie, meanwhile, has spent most of her young adulthood researching the history of the mirror. Using her position as an employee of an auction house, Kaylie obtains access to the mirror and has it transported to the family home, where she places it in a room filled with surveillance cameras and a "kill switch"—an anchor weighted to the ceiling and set to a timer. Kaylie intends to destroy the mirror but first wants to document its powers, prove its supernatural nature, and thus vindicate her family.

3 OUIJA 2014
Debbie (Shelley Hennig) is shown tossing a Ouija board into a fire after saying "goodbye". She declines Laine's  invitation to watch a school basketball match, preferring to be left alone, while also sharing the story about how she discovered a Ouija board at her home. When she gets back inside, she finds that the Ouija board has mysteriously materialized back in her bed. Debbie is subsequently possessed and forced to commit suicide. Grieving over her death, Laine suspects that Debbie's suicide might have something to do with the Ouija board and decides to use it, enlisting the help of her boyfriend, Trevor , their waitress friend, Isabelle (Bianca Santos), and Laine's rebellious younger sister, Sarah . Choosing to do the séance inside Debbie's house which Laine temporarily babysits while Debbie's parents are grieving elsewhere, they are joined by Debbie's boyfriend, Pete . The five contact a spirit named "D", who they assume is Debbie and who spells out "HI FRIEND" to them. After Laine and Pete exchange emotional goodbye to Debbie, the lights turn off. Laine and Trevor discover the stovetop burner turning on by itself, while Pete is pushed to break a mirror by an unseen force. The five leave disturbed but happy that they have finally said goodbye to Debbie.
However, the five begin to feel haunted when they encounter "HI FRIEND" written in various places. During their second séance, the five are horrified when they find out that they have never contacted with Debbie, but instead with a spirit called "DZ", whom Debbie once contacted. She spells out "RUN" and "MOTHER'S COMING" on the board. Looking through a glass window on a planchette, Laine sees DZ (Sierra Heuermann) with her mouth sewn shut and a woman with black eyes and a gaping mouth (Claudia Katz) running towards her. The group decide to stop using the board. Through a series of video tapes, Laine finds out that Debbie had broken a cardinal rule in playing the Ouija board: never to play alone. The same night, Isabelle is killed when she becomes possessed and hits her head with a sink. Laine enlists Pete's help to search for the place where Debbie found the Ouija board: her house's attic. The two discover several photos that point to the house's previous owner: a woman and her two daughters. One of the two daughters, Doris Zander, disappeared in the house with her mother being the prime suspect, while the other, Paulina, was sent to a mental institution after killing her mother.
Meeting with Paulina , Laine learns that Paulina's mother conducted séances and had used Doris as a medium for the spirits to inhabit. However, she slowly went mad and killed Doris, but not before she sewed her mouth to stop the spirits from talking any further. To save her life, Laine must cut open the sewing in Doris, whose body is stored in a secret room in Debbie's house. Facing challenges from Doris' mother, Laine nevertheless manages to cut open the sewing, setting Doris' spirit free. However, when Pete is possessed and killed by Doris, Laine learns that Paulina has manipulated her into cutting the sewing as Paulina is secretly in league with Doris; the true danger is Doris, not her mother, who only wanted to prevent anyone from using the Ouija board.

In 1971, Roger and Carolyn Perron move into a dilapidated farmhouse in Harrisville, Rhode Island with their five daughters Andrea, Nancy, Christine, Cindy, and April. During the first day, their move goes smoothly, though their dog Sadie refuses to enter the house and one of the daughters finds a boarded up entrance to a cellar.
A few paranormal events happen within the first few nights, including all of the clocks stopping at exactly 3:07 AM and Sadie being found dead in the back yard. One night, while they are both in bed, Christine feels a tugging on her leg, which she first expects to be Nancy, but is a spirit only she can see. She begins to scream and tells her family that the spirit wants the family dead. Carolyn is folding laundry in the night when she hears clapping in the hallway. When she goes to investigate, all the picture frames along the wall fall and shatter on the floor. She goes downstairs following laughter and finds the basement door opening slowly. When she goes inside to investigate, she's trapped there by the spirit who claps beside her as her matchstick flickers out. At the same moment, Andrea and Cindy are attacked by a spirit on top of the wardrobe.
Carolyn decides to contact noted paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren, who agree to take on the case. The Warrens conduct an initial investigation and conclude that the house may require an exorcism, but they need authorization from the Catholic Church and further evidence before they can proceed.
While researching the history of the house, Ed and Lorraine discover that the house once belonged to an accused witch, Bathsheba (a relative of Mary Towne Eastey), who sacrificed her week-old child to the devil and killed herself in 1863 after cursing all who would take her land. The property was once more than 200 acres but has since been divided up into smaller parcels. They find reports of numerous murders and suicides in houses that have since been built upon parcels that were once part of the property.
Ed and Lorraine return to the house to gather evidence to receive authorization for the exorcism, placing cameras and bells around the house. A bell goes off near Cindy after they finish setting up. They catch a glimpse of Cindy sleep walking into Andrea's room, and from the EVPs coming from the radio, they hear a spirit luring Cindy into the wardrobe, where she reveals a secret passage inside. Lorraine enters the passage and falls through the floorboards into the cellar, where she sees the spirit of a woman whom Bathsheba had long ago possessed and used to kill her child. Another of the Perron children, Nancy, is violently dragged by her hair along the floor by an unseen force.
The Perron family decides to take refuge at a hotel while Ed and Lorraine take their evidence to the Church to arrange an exorcism. While the Warrens are on their way home, their daughter Judy is attacked in their own home by the spirit of Bathsheba, along with the haunted Annabelle doll from the Warrens' previous case, though Ed arrives in time to prevent her from being harmed.
Carolyn, now possessed by the spirit of Bathsheba, takes two of her daughters, Christine and April, and drives back to the house. Ed, Lorraine, Roger, their two assistants, and a police officer rush to the house where they find Carolyn in the cellar trying to stab Christine with scissors. After subduing Carolyn and tying her to a chair, Ed decides to perform the exorcism himself. Though Carolyn escapes and attempts to kill April, who is hiding under the floorboards, Lorraine is able to temporarily distract the possessed Carolyn from killing her daughter by reminding her of a special memory she shared with her family, allowing Ed to complete the exorcism, saving Carolyn and April.
Returning home, Lorraine tells Ed that the priest whom they sought for the exorcism had called back and left a message, saying that he had gained approval from the Catholic Church to perform it. In addition to this, he also has another case for them to investigate on Long Island. When they leave, the music box that April had found opens and plays music, revealing the Annabelle doll sitting in front of the door, and the screen goes black.

1) the exorcism of emily rose 2005

After the death of a 19-year old girl named Emily Rose, the cause of which was self-inflicted wounds and malnutrition, a priest named Richard Moore is charged with negligent homicide. The archdiocese wishes for Father Moore to plead guilty, so that the incident can be covered up. A lawyer named Erin Bruner is hired to help Father Moore negotiate a plea deal, but Father Moore insists on pleading innocent. At the trial, the prosecutor Ethan Thomas asks for the expert opinion of two doctors, who agree that Ms Rose was not possessed by an invisible creature but rather had epilepsy. A few days later, she suffered from a seizure and was admitted to the hospital, during which the demons attacked again and infested her.
During the next few weeks, she suffers from hallucinations where people's faces around her would turn into monstrous faces. Unable to eat as the demons will not allow it she becomes increasingly weak and weary, suffering from severe convulsions her body and mind start to break down. In response, her boyfriend brings her home to her family upon her father's request after finding her contorted and catatonic. Days follow where Emily attempting to fight back against the demons trys to sustain nourishment from eating bugs but it does not avail. While possessed she starts to damage the house, and cause mutilations to herself. All the while receiving assistance from Father Moore who then brings in Dr.Cartwright to monitor Emily's health.
Father Moore receives permission from the bishop to do an exorcism, but it ends in failure after Emily breaks from her restraints, runs to the family barn, and starts to communicate in the language of Jesus and his deciphals. Before she faints, she reveals that she is possessed by the six demons that possessed Cain, Nero, Judas, Legion, Belial, and Lucifer Later, according to a last letter she wrote, she was visited by the Virgin Mary, who explained that the demons will never leave. Emily then declines the Virgin Mary's offer of immediate death, and accepts her suggestion to suffer further so that the world can believe in demon existence.
During the days of the trial, Ms Bruner runs into supernatural events such as suddenly waking up at 3 AM, seeing objects being moved, and smelling the fragrance of something burning, things which Father Moore and Emily had also encountered. Dr Cartwright, who should have been a key witness, dies in a car accident after being too afraid to testify. The jury remains skeptical but Ms Bruner manages to evoke some sympathy. In the end, they find Father Moore guilty,with time served meaning he is a free man.


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